our policies and procedures
On this page, you can find all our published policies and procedures, which detail how we operate and why we deliver services in the way that we do.
Find our policy documents below.
Antisocial behaviour policy
Asbestos Management Policy
Compensation and Remedies Guidance
Complaints Compensation and Compliments policy
Complaints Handling Code self-assessment
damp and mould policy
Data Protection Information Governance Framework
Decoration and Major Works Contribution Policy
Do the right thing
Domestic abuse policy
Durham Key Options policy
Electrical safety policy
Fire management policy
Fire Safety Procedures
Gas and solid fuel policy
Insurance claim form
Leasehold policy
Lettable standard
Lettings and allocations policy
Lifts and Lifting Equipment Policy
Neighbourhood quality standard
Openness and transparency policy
Radon Management Policy
recharge policy
Recruitment policy for Non Executive Board and Committee Members
Renewal and succession policy for Non-Executive Board, Committee and Values
Rent and service charge policy
Rent to Buy Policy
Repairs and maintenance policy
Shared ownership policy
Targeted letting policy – new build
Tenancy management policy
Tenancy policy
Unreasonable Complainant Behaviour Policy
Water Hygiene Policy
Whistleblowing policy
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About Us
We are an innovative, multi-award-winning, not-for-profit housing association.
Corporate Plan
When we launched our plan in April 2020, we set out the big ambitions that we wanted to achieve to help us realise our vision of life without barriers.
Transparency and Reports
At believe housing, we aim to be transparent with our customers and stakeholders by making relevant and useful documents easy for you to access.