reporting antisocial behaviour
If you're experiencing antisocial behaviour in your community, please get in touch.
believe housing is committed to maintaining thriving, safe communities and tackling any antisocial behaviour.
If you experience or witness an incident of antisocial behaviour in your community and would like advice, information, or support, believe housing is here to help whenever you need us. We work very closely with the police and a range of other agencies to tackle antisocial behaviour, hate crime, and domestic abuse and violence.
A hate crime is defined as ‘any criminal offence which is perceived by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice, based on a person’s disability or perceived disability, race or perceived race; or religion or perceived religion; or sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation; or transgender identity or perceived transgender identity’.
If you or someone you know has been subjected to domestic abuse, please visit our domestic abuse page where you can find support and advice.
We are here to listen and help, and we can talk you through the options available and offer access to appropriate services, support agencies, and security measures.
You can now report a noise nuisance to us using the free ‘The Noise App’. The app lets you record audio for up to 30 seconds on your smartphone. This recording will then be sent instantly to our Neighbourhoods and Safer Neighbourhoods Teams to investigate.
You can download ‘The Noise App’ for free from the App Store for iPhone and the Google Play Store for Android phones.
Once downloaded, you will need to register your account, and when prompted, choose believe housing as the housing provider. Once you’ve registered your account, you will then be able to submit a recording to us.
Please speak to us before submitting a noise recording so that we can discuss your complaint.
Durham Constabulary offer a watch scheme called “Keep in the Know”, this is a free messaging service to keep you informed about issues that matter to you.
The aim of this initiative is to improve communication between the local community and the police services, enabling the prevention of crime and anti-social behaviour.
To find out more about this service click here.