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A housing association-led partnership has transformed two college classrooms into cutting-edge workshops, designed to inspire students to join the construction sector.
Hartlepool College of Further Education unveiled its new construction workshops to students on Tuesday, following its transformation by be:ONE partners.
The be:ONE partnership was launched in April by believe housing, with contractors Buston & Maughan Group, RE:GEN Group, Sendrig Construction Limited and Sunter Limited, to deliver improvements to around 5,600 of its homes by 2028.
The collaboration sees the partners work together to improve customer experience, achieve significant savings, and maximise the impact of social value in communities. There is also a strong focus on supporting the local economy and employment and reducing their impact on the environment.
To deliver its first significant social value project, partners and suppliers gave 635 hours and donated more than £8,000 of materials to refurbish the workshops, which are kitted out with fit-for-industry equipment.
Ruth Dent, Director of Assets and Compliance at believe housing, said: “The college does a fantastic job of giving students the skills and knowledge they need to get ready for a career in construction; in roles that are increasingly vital for building the new homes we need, maintaining and decarbonising existing homes, and supporting the regional economy.
“We wanted to help make its learning spaces even more inspiring, and the be:ONE partners have pulled out all the stops to transform the workshop into the bright, well-equipped facility they deserve.
“I’m deeply grateful to the partners for their hard work and enthusiasm and to suppliers Jewson, JTC Kitchens and Brewers Decorating for generously donating materials to the project.
“I’m honoured that the college has let us help shape the students’ time at college and look forward to continuing to support them; maybe in the not-too-distant future some of them will be working for believe housing or our construction partners, helping us maintain and improve customers’ homes and supporting the local economy and jobs.
“Together, we’ve created workshops that will help many young people to realise their potential, to succeed in our competitive world, and open doors to careers they might have never thought possible.
“The skills learnt here will not only benefit the students but will also benefit the businesses they go on to work for and the communities they return to.”
John Cartwright, Head of Business Growth and Skills at Hartlepool College of Further Education, said: “Planning a further education curriculum that maps into the construction industry is extremely difficult due to the ever-changing industry landscape.
“Creating an inspiring educational environment that will support and ‘transform students’ lives’ is also difficult, due to cuts in education budgets and a severe lack of funds.
“Working with Ruth Dent and the huge team of be:ONE partners has been a brilliant experience for us.
“The college has gained not just brilliant, high-end workshops, but we have also partnered with some of the best industry employers in the region which will provide rich information from the sector to support the growth of our learners’ knowledge, skills and behaviours.
“We are very fortunate to be part of this partnership and close links between all members have already been forged.
“Our learners and staff will cherish these facilities that have been designed and built by industry with them in mind.
“We can’t wait for our learners to show off their new skills in these fantastic facilities and look forward to the start of what plans to be a fabulous partnership.”
One student said: “I love what they’re doing at Hartlepool college. They’re giving me a real stepping stone to how it works in the real world when I get a job.”
If the dark nights and winter weather are getting you down, see if one of the groups we fund can help you boost your wellbeing and start 2025 on the right foot.
Grant funding from believe housing is helping a County Durham community get in touch with their local wildlife.
Colleagues from believe housing have been helping a charity with its annual Christmas tree recycling scheme.
believe housing has up to £90,000 in grant funding available to support projects that help its customers to improve their lives.