building the future of housing in the north

Creating great homes, great places, and a new generation of green jobs.

In the runup to the General Election, the Northern Housing Consortium is calling on the next government to work with members, like believe housing, to transform communities in the North and enable thousands more northerners to live in good quality homes.

‘Building the Future of Housing in the North’ outlines the NHC’s priorities for a renewed partnership between the Government and its members, up to 2035.

It includes:

  • Refocusing on regeneration – building new social homes and transforming the North’s communities.
  • A retrofit revolution to decarbonise the North’s older, colder homes, and to create up to 77,000 good green jobs.
  • Making sure everyone across the north has a good quality, safe place to call home.

Tracy Harrison, Chief Executive of the Northern Housing Consortium, said: “Housing associations, local authorities and ALMOs own 1.3m homes across the North.

“Social housing providers already make a huge contribution to local economies across the North, delivering around 60,000 new homes over the last five years, supporting over 70,000 jobs, and creating great places for people to live.

“However, we need to go much further and faster to tackle some of the challenges we face in the diverse housing markets we have across the North.

“That’s why we need a new partnership with Government, with a commitment to long-term investment.

“This will create the certainty needed to deliver new homes, refurbish existing ones, unlock brownfield land for up to 320,000 homes, as well as creating 77,000 green jobs through decarbonising the North’s older, colder homes.

“There is much to do but we and our members stand ready to work in partnership with the next Government to create great homes, great places, and a new generation of green jobs.”

Find our more here: Building the future of housing in the North.