The North East Housing Partnership

The North East Housing Partnership brings together social housing providers from around the North East.

The North East is a brilliant place with enormous pride in its identity. We have vibrant cities set in fabulous natural landscapes, world leading universities, and we are home to globally renowned technology businesses.

However, at the same time there are high numbers of people who are unskilled and we have the lowest employment rate in England and Wales.

Devolution presents a significant opportunity to address these disparities and build our region better. With new powers and new funding, managed and delivered close to local needs, we can take on deep seated problems that have long held us back.

But devolution isn’t a magic wand. It’s a starting point from which to build for the future. That future rests in all our hands and it’s a big responsibility.

To make a real success of devolution, anchor institutions across the region need to get behind it, lend their enthusiasm and expertise, and align their own work and investment with that of the new combined authority.

That is why social housing providers in the North East have come together to form The North East Housing Partnership (NEHP).

About North East Housing Partnership

The North East Housing Partnership brings together social housing providers from around the North East.

Our members are housing associations, local authorities and arms length management organisations (ALMOs), that have a strong presence in the part of the North East covered by the new Mayoral Combined Authority.

Together, we own and manage over 200,000 homes in the North East and are deeply rooted in our communities. We believe that a house is more than a roof over your head. A good quality, well-connected and well-insulated home is something you can build a life around and can act as a catalyst for economic development.

By agreeing to invest, work and plan together in the North East Mayoral Combined Authority, our potential is far more than the sum of our parts suggests. We can achieve economies of scale, shape supply chains, regenerate communities, decarbonise our region, create and prepare people for jobs and support people to live longer, healthier lives.

Since the devolution deal was announced at the end of 2022, the members of the partnership have come together to collaborate on a prospectus for change.

This sets out our record in four key areas, highlighting work we are already doing, our offer to the region and how we could work with the North East Mayoral Combined Authority to amplify our work, and our asks of the new Combined Authority going forward.

Download our prospectus now.