safety and compliance week 

Now in its third year, National Social Housing Safety & Compliance Week will launch a new movement ‘Together for Safety’. This movement recognises that no one person or department, or organisation can deliver safe homes for residents – it involves the whole supply chain coming together.

Together for Safety will focus on four key strands:

  • Together with Residents – resident engagement; working with representatives and panels; recognising resident’s voices and supporting them to keep themselves, their families and communities safe
  • Together as a Sector – coming together with fellow ASCP, peers, contractors and suppliers to help tackle joint challenges, share best practice and raise standards
  • Together with Colleagues – working effectively and with joint purpose with other teams such as procurement, finance and customer service; ensuring that the safety message is heard and prioritised throughout our organisations
  • Together with the Authorities – responding to, and working effectively within, a new Regulatory landscape.

Throughout the year our Teams carry out a wide range of safety inspections, helping keep customers safe and believe housing compliant with all the relevant checks and regulations.  During National Social Housing Safety & Compliance Week a number of our compliance operatives visited Park Avenue Close, Crook, to complete fire alarm, fire door, gas and electric, and legionella checks along with stock condition surveys and EPC ratings so we have up-to-date information on these homes are we seek to deliver safe, healthy, energy efficient homes.

To find out more about safety and compliance week please visit: